3RFF Membership Info and Updates – 3/11/2025

Hello Everyone,

Following is an overview of upcoming and pending events, and a reminder of some items that will be wrapping up as we head into the Spring and Summer months.

Tuesday Night Fly Tying :  Three Tuesday tying events left for the season. Tomorrow evening the 11th, Tuesday the 18th, and we will finish up our fly tying at Coyote Creek Bar and Grill on Tuesday the 25th of March. Times are 6:30 pm until 8:30 pm. We’ve had a good year of member turnout. Thanks!

Eckart Public Library Outreach Program :  This coming Saturday, March 15th 2025, the Eckart Library and Three Rivers Fly Fishers will again partner for the second in a series of fly fishing and fly tying events. This will be the outdoors Fly Casting Workshop and clinic to be held at the Rieke Park – North Pavilion. 1800 North Indiana Ave. in Auburn, IN. Times are 10 am until 12 noon. All equipment will be provided by 3RFF. Lead casting instructor will be Brent Walchuk, walchukb@yahoo.com, and lead point of contact for the library will again be Valrie Simmons. vsimmons@epl.lib.in.us  You may find additional information and sign up for this event by going to the Eckart Public Library website. Once on the Home Page click on Calendar and go to the March 2025 list of events. There you will find all information and a sign up registration form. There is no charge for this event and is a great opportunity to learn basic fly casting skills.

Also, starting on Monday evening, April 7th, 2025, Brent Walchuk will be hosting a fly casting clinic/workshop from 4:30 pm until 6:00 pm at the same Rieke Park location in Auburn, IN. Brent is planning at this time to offer this event each Monday evening through April. Contact Brent for additional details.

March Membership Meeting :  Wednesday, March 19th, 2025 will be our 3RFF Annual Auction event. This will again be at the Classic Cafe Exhibition Center on Hillegas Rd in Ft. Wayne. Doors open at 6:30 pm. Auction will kick off at 7:00 pm. Please check in at the registration/membership table as you come in. There will be people there to check you in and issue you your name tag. There will be additional people manning the auction registration tables to sign up to bid, and receive your bidding number. You must be registered and have a bidding number to bid on auction items. We will need member volunteers to act as runners, and are still in need of an auctioneer if you have that skill set, you don’t have to be a pro, and would like to help your club out and bring a little humor to the evening as well. As a reminder this meeting and auction are open to Members Only. Thanks in advance for your support and donations.

Custom Ron Barch Bamboo Rod Raffle :  As a reminder we will be drawing for the Ron Barch Rod at the Membership Meeting on Wednesday March 19th, 2025. You can still purchase raffle tickets until that time. Please consider purchasing a ticket to help support your club. Thank you.

Tie-a-Thon :  For those participating in the Tie-a-Thon event, this is a reminder that this will be closed as of April 12th, 2025. All flies need to be turned in prior to that date. The official POC for Three Rivers Fly Fishers is Don Privett. Please be sure you get your flies to Don asap. Thanks to all who tied.

April Membership Meeting :  Wednesday, April 16th, 2025 will be our annual “Members Favorite Flies” event. This has always been a popular evening for everyone. If you’re planning on tying that night please let one of the Board Members know. We need to know what fly you’re tying, and be prepared to present a little history/information about your fly. If you want to submit a picture or hand out a fly recipe that would be great. We will post additional information about who all will be tying and the flies that will be tied in an upcoming schedule. This is normally limited to about four tiers due to time constraints, so get your name in the hat if you want to participate, so we can plan accordingly. Thanks for your support, and we’re looking forward to a fun evening of seeing what your fellow members have to share at the vice. Doors open at 6:30 pm, meeting starts at 7:00 pm. Classic Cafe.

May Membership Meeting :  Wednesday, May 21st, 2025 will be our annual “Members Mini Auction” and informal fly casting clinics. You bring your stuff to sell and bring your own fly rod for some fun lawn casting and instruction. More info to follow. Doors open at 6:30 pm, meeting at 7:00 pm. Classic Cafe.

Michigan Anglers Base Camp :  This may be of interest to many of our members. It has generated some good conversation so far. I think a couple of members may have already signed up. It is a wonderful opportunity, and I’ve heard rave reviews about it, to fish some of the best waters in the US. This is a fly fishing only camp. You stay at Camp Rotary (Boy Scout Camp) outside of Clare, MI., in the heart of trout country. It is considered to have one of the clearest spring-fed lakes in the country at 550 acres. The facility is 1100 acres, and gives you access to some of the finest rivers and streams in Michigan, if not North America. They have four, week long, 2025 sessions available. We will have follow up information, but to get you started go to:  mittenoutdoors.org/anglers-basecamp   or go to:  anglers@mittenoutdoors.org   This is a pretty cool deal! Check it out! Thanks to the Derby City folks for the tip on this one.

Elections :  As a reminder elections are forthcoming. This is an important function of any organization. Please consider where you may fit in, or where your service to the club may be most needed, to move the organization forward should you have an interest in serving. Think about who you may want to nominate for a position on the Board of Directors and discuss it with that individual. You must be a paid member in good standing to be nominated, elected and to serve. Please give it consideration, it is a necessary and important duty. And every organization needs new and fresh ideas to flourish and progress. We currently have several vacancies/openings that need to be filled. Current Board members now serving, if your term in office is expiring, it is time to decide if you wish to be nominated for an additional term, or you are stepping down. Thank you all in advance for your consideration and support of your club. 

Membership Dues :  This will be the final courtesy reminder that your calendar year 2025 membership dues are NOW due. You may send them in as always if you are not attending the monthly meeting, or they must be paid in full PRIOR to the March 19th meeting if attending. Additionally, we have numerous members who have not completed your club liability waiver form. You MUST have a waiver form on file to attend 3RFF club functions and outings. Please be sure your waiver is filled out and sent in with your dues, or updated when you attend the meeting. Get this done. Thank you.

In closing, thanks to everyone for your continued support of Three Rivers Fly Fishers. Hope this finds everyone doing well and have a great week ahead. Until next time, get out there, get involved and enjoy your club. 

Most Respectfully and Tightlines,

Kevin Curtis – President

Three Rivers Fly Fishers – 3RFF

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