3RFF Membership Information, Updates and Reminders – 2/18/2025

Hello Everyone,

Just a quick reminder to all as we finish out the month of February and head closer toward Spring.

February’s guest speaker : Jason DeArman. Jason will be our speaker tomorrow evening, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025, for our monthly membership meeting at the Classic Cafe Exhibition Hall here in Ft. Wayne. The doors open at 6:30 pm and the meeting starts at  7:00 pm.

Jason DeArman is the Founder, Owner and Head Guide of Two Forks Guide Service based out of Noblesville, IN. Jason guides extensively on the White River, and is actively involved with conservation efforts on the White, as well as other rivers and streams throughout the watershed. Jason is also active in various conservation groups such as the Indiana Wildlife Federation. Jason was a previous Guide/Outfitter vendor at last year’s Ft. Wayne Fly Fishing and Tying Show, and was slated to be one of our headline speakers at this year’s show. Several of our Three Rivers Fly Fishers members have taken a float trip with Jason, and have given rave reviews. Jason will be presenting a program on :  “Summer Time Dead Drifting for Smallmouth” . Members, come on out for the evening, and enjoy a float down the river with Jason and help promote your club.

February Community Outreach Program : Just a reminder that Thursday evening, February 20th, 2025 will be one of our outreach programs with the Eckhart Public Library in Auburn, IN. This Introductory Fly Tying event is being presented by the Eckhart Library and Valerie Simmons in partnership with Three Rivers Fly Fishers. As many of you may remember, we partnered with Valerie and the Library last summer for an introductory fly casting, fly tying clinic which was very well received. Thursday night’s event will be conducted at the library building, and will be presented by Brent Walchuk, Bob Womack and Bob Menefee at this time. This fly tying event is completely booked, but for additional information, future events and how to sign up, go to the library website. There will be a fly casting clinic presented On Saturday, March 15th, 2025 through the library system and 3RFF. Sign up and information will be available on the library’s website as well. We will also post additional information as it becomes available. This is a wonderful opportunity for those wishing to learn the basics of fly tying and fly casting, and I would encourage both our members and the public to get involved with these events.

For those that may be interested, we have gotten positive feedback from the new staff at Big Brothers Big Sisters. As soon as we can establish a date for an event we will post that information. We will, as in the past, need support from the membership body as well as the Board. I anticipate this will probably happen on a Saturday, sometime this summer, but will update as we establish more of a relationship with BB BS moving forward. Just wanted to get the information out there for all to think about. This has been a great program for us in previous years.

Elections : We all need to be thinking of upcoming elections and getting back on track with proper election protocol and following election guidelines. Members, you need to be thinking about nominations, who you may want to nominate, or if you yourself want to be nominated for a position on the Board of Directors. Current Officers and Board Members, you need to give consideration as to whether you want to continue in your current role, or wish to be nominated to continue in that role, if your term is expiring this cycle. All, please think about how you may want to get involved to help move your club forward. The term for the office of President is coming due and is a one year term. The Vice President position is open. The Secretary position is open. Two of the Board member positions, a two year term, their terms are coming due. Additional Board members are always welcome and needed. You only need to be a paid member in good standing to be considered for election and to serve. Remember, the club can not continue moving forward, be viable or healthy, conduct business and plan events, or…even exist, without a Board of Directors in place who are willing to fill those roles and be “active” in those roles. Thank you for your consideration and support.

Membership : The Board would like to offer a friendly reminder that membership dues were due on January 1st, 2025. Any individuals who have yet to pay, and need to pay their dues for the year 2025, may still do so at the monthly meeting, or you may still send them in, if not attending the meeting. As a reminder, the club, its functions and events, the guest speakers we pay for, the outings we hold and the food and beverage we provide are supported by you, the paid members in good standing, and are for the members who support their club through their dues. Should you wish to remain a part of this great club and enjoy the benefits we have to offer, we will have people in place at the meeting to accept your dues payment, verify current member status, and then you will be issued your name badges. Please stop by the registration table and check in upon arrival, and we hope you enjoy the meeting and thank you in advance for your cooperation and supporting your club. As previously mentioned when discussing the elections, the same applies, we can not continue to grow, be viable and healthy as an organization, provide for outings and events etc, without the continued support of our dues paying members. Thank you.

Rod Raffle : With the unfortunate cancellation of our 2025 Fly Fishing and Fly Tying Show, we had to make the decision to adjust our drawing date for the Ron Barch Custom Bamboo Rod we are raffling. The Board has voted to move the drawing to the general membership meeting on Wednesday, March 19th, 2025. Raffle tickets may still be obtained and sold through that date. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

In closing, I hope this finds everyone doing well, and Thank You all so much for your continued support of Three Rivers Fly Fishers. Hope to see you all at the meeting. Until next time, get out there, get involved and enjoy your club. Have a great week.

Respectfully and Tight Lines,

Kevin Curtis – President
Three Rivers Fly Fishers – 3RFF